Popular Baby Names Generator

This website visualizes the Popular Baby Names dataset from NYC Open Data, which contains information on the frequency and popularity of baby names in New York City based on civil birth registration.

The dataset includes records for both male and female babies, categorized by four ethnicities, and each record shows the name's ranking in the order of frequency. This data can be used to track the popularity of a name over time and compare it to other names.

You can explore the most popular baby names using the random name generator. It uses the data from 2011 to 2019 to generate a selection of baby names, giving an idea of the most commonly chosen names for babies in a specific year.

The list view shows an overview and trends in baby names from 2011 to 2019. You can select the year and ranking option in the dropdown, with options to rank by popularity or alphabetical order. You can also search your name in the search bar to see if it's on the list and its popularity.

As you browse the website, you will notice some names remain popular over the years, while others rise and fall in popularity. The random name generator and list view allow you to see the variety of names parents choose for their babies and how they reflect cultural and social trends.

Data Last Updated:
December 9, 2022
Data Provided by:
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene

Hannah Li 2023